Services in the church at 10am each Sunday.

Through the Holy Spirit the Bible reveals Jesus Christ to us.
In Jesus we can know God the Father and the help he gives us.
St George’s Church is a welcoming church family convinced that
Jesus is Good News.

click here to watch our latest seRMON

St George's Church serves Frankwell, Mountfields, Copthorne,
Coton Hill, Greenfields and Herongate.

Jesus is Good News.

I'm New

We are a friendly, Bible-based Anglican Church in the centre of Shrewsbury, please do come and join us! Find out more about our services on Sunday mornings.

prayer and bible

Set your heart and mind on Christ and his grace through special prayers for the Morning and Late Night. Access our Daily Bible Reflections to hear God’s voice in Scripture.


On Wednesday mornings we grow together as followers of Jesus through engaging with the Bible, singing God’s praises, and praying to our heavenly Father.

GOD, the bible, & everything

The whole Bible. In 60 minutes. With jokes and possibly a song. What could go wrong? BBC Sitcom writer James Cary brings his latest show to Shrewsbury.