"In the beginning was the Word. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world."

John 1:1 and 9, The Bible

Jesus is the Word because he is God speaking to us. Jesus is the solid truth we need when all around us there are lies and spin. Jesus is the light that exposes darkness and shows us the way to the true God who loves us. Jesus gives life that is meaningful and eternal. You are warmly invited to come along and discover the joy and peace that Jesus brings.

christingle service

4.30pm on Sunday 15th December

At 4.30pm we have about 45 minutes of craft and activities, including an opportunity to make your own Christingle. The we will celebrate the light of God with a short service. Afterwards you are invited to stay for free drinks and snacks.

The event is free. You are welcome to make a donation to help support GFA-UK - your gifts will be used to supply chickens to families, winter clothing packs or other support for families in poverty across Asia.

traditional carol service

7pm on Sunday 22nd December

Carols by candlelight, Bible readings that trace the story of God’s saving love, then mulled wine and mince pies.

christmas eve crib service

4pm on Christmas Eve

A lively, interactive telling of the Christmas story. Perfect for excited children!

christmas day service

10am on Christmas Day

Our Saviour is born! The King has come! God is revealed! Come and worship.
This is a Communion service.