Psalm Roar 2023

sing the songs of christ
saturday 22nd april 2023

Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making music from your heart to the Lord.
— Ephesians chapter 5

“Psalm Roar had a profound impact on me and took me much deeper into Christ. It was a very powerful and blessed time, both challenging and encouraging, as well as wonderfully enjoyable. That's the most uplifted I've felt for years. Thank you for sharing those wonderful psalms and lovely tunes with us. They will stay with me and, I'm sure, a lot of others.”

Psalm Roar 2023 is now in the past, but watch out for Psalm Roar 2024! Similar events are being planned around the country and we will shortly have a dedicated website.

click here to see videos of our psalm singing!

Photo by Alexas Fotos:


a day of robust, joyful, vigorous psalm-singing

Singing psalms is commanded by God. It is part of a life filled with the Holy Spirit. We join our voices with Christ, our heavenly Worship Leader. If doctrine strengthens our minds, psalm-singing fortifies our hearts.

Do not imagine the gentle singing of a choir in a cathedral. Picture a rugby team about to go onto the pitch, or an army preparing for battle. Jesus is the Lion of Judah and this will be a day to roar the Psalms.


voices united to glorify jesus

We will sing a variety of psalms and in a variety of styles. Some will use familiar tunes so we can all sing without any practice. Quite a lot of the singing will include four-part harmony. This is singing that rejoices in the variety of voices God has given, including honouring the difference between male and female voices. It sounds great! You do not need to be musical or able to read music. You will not be put on the spot, or asked to sing solos or anything like that. We will also try chanting a few psalms. The singing of psalms has been an essential part of church worship for thousands of years but has fallen out of fashion. We want to see the psalms restored to their proper place as the hymnbook of the church.


Saturday 22nd april, 10am - 4pm

A few details may change as plans come together and while we sort out a booking form.

We will have regular breaks during the day. Please bring your own packed lunch. Refreshments (e.g. tea/coffee) will be provided from 9.30am and during the day.

To cover costs we encourage you to make a donation of £5 per person or £15 per family. This will be voluntary but greatly appreciated. You can make a donation on the day.

Look at this page to see our location.


friday evening extra

If you are travelling a distance (or are local) and decide to come to Shrewsbury on Friday then we are putting on a Friday extra. This is likely to be a simple meal (hotdogs, perhaps), with food available from 6pm. At about 7pm there will be a talk about the theology of singing the psalms. We are delighted that Alastair Roberts will give this talk. This will be followed by time for conversation and some psalm-singing. If you are travelling, feel free to arrive when you are able.

You are warmly invited to make a full weekend stay in Shrewsbury and join us for our 10am Sunday service at St George’s.

Alastair Roberts works with the Davenant Institute and Theopolis Institute, helping people engage with the riches of the Bible.



Parking is a bit tricky. The nearby streets are usually full. The main Frankwell car park is only a few minutes walk away. If you have mobility issues and need to park close to the church, contact us to ask about parking on the Vicarage drive. We may be able to arrange free parking for some people on the drives of church members.

Travelling by train. From Shrewsbury station to the church is about a 10-15 minute walk. Click on this link to see the route to walk.

Staying overnight on Friday: Shrewsbury has a variety of accommodation options. We may be able to put you up in the homes of church members. A camping option might be possible a few miles away from Shrewsbury in someone’s paddock. Please contact us to find out more about these options.

We hope many children will come along. They are certainly welcome! If they need a break from psalm-singing then we will have a room in which they can do some activities (reading, colouring, etc) and there are parks / green-spaces nearby.

We will put together some resources so that you can start to learn the psalms before you arrive. This could be some sheet music, or YouTube videos, or other ways to help you become familiar with the tunes. This is optional of course but it will help us get the most out of the day.

Other questions? Get in touch via our Contact form.


If you would like to attend, fill out the Booking Form below. Spaces are limited so booking is essential.

If you make a booking and do NOT receive an email (which records your answers) then the booking form may have failed. If you have checked spam folders (etc) and cannot see that email, please make the booking again and/or contact us.